EazyDraw Raw App For Help EazyDraw Registered Trademark, Dekorra Optics LLC EazyDraw Raw App For Help

EazyDraw Graphing Graphic Inspection Details
Related Information
Graphing Tools
Show Tab
Label Font Tab
Label Style Tab
Tick Patterns

Text Labels

This tab view provides inspection and input of primary parameters of a text label sequence.

Label Text elements are drawn using the tools found near the bottom of the Technical Tools palette which is opened from the View Main menu.

The example to the left shows the contents of the Graphic Details Inspector when Label Text is selected and the Show tab is in use. To view this information use the Graphic Details menu command found on the Tools main menu. Then select the Label tab on the Graphic Details Inspector, a Label text element needs to be present on your drawing and selected.

The interval parameter specifies the distance between each label of the sequence. This is a spacial measurement specified in the primary units of the drawing, as defined on the Scale palette.

The label sequence is defined by a First numeric value and a Step value. Entered the desired values to define your sequence. Note that drawing units or space interval do not have an impact on the sequence, it is independent of all drawing settings, the sequence will not change if units are changed for the drawing. Think of the label sequence as just text with no automatic association to a graph or the drawing.

The Precision parameter defines the number of decimal points shown for each numeric value. Enter a value or use the stepper. The number of decimal points will mimic the decimal points typed into the on-drawing text control block (shown to the left, blue bordered box).

Scientific notation is used for the numeric sequence, this is chosen with the Notation popup menu. Three choices are available: Fixed with a specified number of digits to the right of the decimal point, Scientific provides an exponential notation, and "printf" explained below.

The Format text field is used with the Printf selection for Notation. This field is for advanced users familiar with the Unix and C printf formatting conventions. Don't use this unless you understand how these formatting statements work. Any valid printf format string may be entered in the format field. When you change from Fixed or Scientific to Printf format the format string that EazyDraw was using is filled into your format field.

EazyDraw Help Pages example

A Label Sequence may be adjusted with this tab view or on-screen. Click the Label Sequence once to select, you will note an additional text block appears. This text box has a number followed by a colon and a second number. The first is the starting numeric value, after the colon the step amount or delta value of the sequence is shown. This specifier text box behaves as a normal EazyDraw Text Box, double click it to enter the editing mode.

In the on-screen editing mode you may edit both the starting value and the signed increment. The number of decimal places shown on your labels will mimic the number of decimal places that you include, use zeros if necessary to specify this. The typeface (font), size, color and other attributes of the text you enter for the starting number are mimicked in the labels. These need not be the same for full number, for example a smaller font size might be used after the decimal point. A prefix and/or suffix may be included - just type the desired text, for example the units of the values could be entered after the starting number, specifying it as a suffix.