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EazyDraw Label Grid Tick Graphic Inspection Details
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Graphing Tools
Tick Marks
Hex Grids

Axis Tick Marks

This tab view provides inspection and input used with the Axis Tick Marks. A Tick Mark graphic is a composite graphic that consists of a sequence of short lines drawn perpendicular to an axis line. Several patterns of tick marks are provided. The parameters here control selection of the pattern, and lengths of the ticks as well a precise positioning of the ticks.

Tick marks are drawn using the tools found near the bottom of the Technical Tools palette which is opened from the View Main menu.

The example to the left shows the contents of the Graphic Details Inspector when a Tick Mark graphic is selected and Graphic Details Inspector is in use. To view this information use the Graphic Details menu command found on the Tools main menu.

The Place parameters specify the start, end, or length and angle of the axis line for the tick marks. The axis line is a line perpendicular to the tick marks. It would be the axis of a graph or chart for example.

The Interval parameters define independently the spacing of the ticks, the pattern used and the length of the ticks. These values, except for Start, are lengths, in the units of the drawing.

Choose from the available tick patterns using the Pattern popup menu. At this time it is not possible to define a "custom user pattern", only the patterns shown are available. The pattern selection only defines the relative lengths of the individual ticks of the pattern.

The Height parameter defines the length of the tallest tick of the selected pattern.

The Offset parameter defines the length drawn on the "backside" of the axis line. Each tick is drawn with the same length in this direction. This is used to create half of a chart grid, one that corresponds precisely to the ticks. This is another use for this graphic, if the Height is set to zero the tool becomes a simple grid tool with interval defined by the choice of Tick Pattern.

There are two logarithmic selections for the Tick Pattern, selected from the Pattern popup menu. These can be used to draw a Log scale axis with ticks, or use the technique described in the previous paragraph to create log, or log-log charts and graphs.

EazyDraw Help Pages example

Grid elements is used in conjunction with Tick Marks and Text Label sequences to assemble the elements of a chart or graph. The elements are provided as independent tools for maximum flexibility in designing graphing components.

The Outline parameter of the Color and Style associated with a tick applies to the actual ticks. It is not possible to draw the axis and the ticks with the single tick mark graphic. A second line needs to be drawn if you want a visible axis. This is because the Tick Marks are often used with a Grid, and the axis line can be drawn with the Grid rather than the tick. Use Snap Vertices to conveniently add a line that exactly corresponds to the axis.

These tick patterns look like rulers, but they do not work as rulers for measuring distances on your drawing. If rulers are needed us the Tape Cursor tool or perhaps an Auto-line or dimensioning graphic.