EazyDraw vector drawing, tape measure tool. Tape Cursor or Tape Measure Tool EazyDraw Raw App For Help

The "Measuring Tape Tool" has the same behavior as the Arrow Tool with the addition of a live on-screen readout of the exact cursor position, key graphic parameters, or various distances.

Graphics that are NOT selected are not specifically reported by the Tape Measure cursor. Select graphics of interest to obtain relevant measurements. This helps to avoid "point and curve clutter" which often interferes with obtaining measurements for specific graphics.

The tape tool allows creation of a tangent or normal to a curve. Type the letter "t" when the cursor is showing a tangent and a line precisely tangent to the curve is added to the drawing. More information is found on the Tangent help page. If an "n" (for normal) is typed a line "normal" or perpendicular to the curve is added to the drawing. To get both at exactly the same point on the curve, position the cursor then take your hand away from the mouse or key-pad, then type t then n. The graphic needs to be selected to show the tangent marker cursor, so select the desired graphic before starting the above steps.

Another method to obtain a live read-out of the cursor position is to use one of the Extended (or enhanced) cursor options. This is accessed from the Graphic Details Inspector, the Cursor popup menu which is presented when no graphics are selected.

The display precision and format are determined by the settings for the Graphic Details Inspector.

Activate the Measuring Tape cursor by clicking the Tape tool. This will enable the live coordinate readout for all drawing windows.

Detailed measurements specific to a graphic are obtained by selecting the graphic while the Measuring Tape cursor is active. In this situation various coordinates and dimensions of the selected graphic are shown according to the position of the cursor. For example, the precise coordinate an editing handle is shown when the cursor is positioned close to the handle.

In some cases different metrics are shown depending on the actual position of the cursor relative to the Bezier path of a graphic. For example, the length and angle of a line is shown when the cursor is just to the right (when facing from start to end) of the line, but the precise coordinates of the line are shown when the cursor is just to the left of the path of the line. Different types of graphics provide on screen read-out of various defining parametric metrics.

The Option Key is used provide an actual on-screen measuring tape. Option-Click-Drag will drag out a measuring tape that is used to interactively measure distances on the drawing. If the cursor is "snapped" to a particular point on a selected graphic, the Option drag will anchor the tape precisely at the snapped point on the graphic. In this snapped state exact distances to other snap points on the same or different graphics may be obtained. For measuring exact distances between graphics, both graphics need to be selected before initiating the measuring tape action.

In many situations the command keys will provide different measurement formats. For example, the tape measure tool will show the length and angle between two points on the drawing, if the Ctrl key is held down the distance is represented as delta-X and delta-Y values.

The live cursor readout is de-activated by clicking the primary Arrow Tool. Using other tools does not clear the live cursor read-out, this must be performed explicitly.

The format of the cursor values are determined by the Numeric Format settings for the Graphic Details Inspector. The settings determine the number of decimal points of precision shown, the use of decimal or fraction representation, the inclusion of measuring units and several other formating options. You inspect and enter these settings by opening the Graphic Details Inspector and deselecting all graphics.

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In many situations, the live cursor will "follow" along a path or curve. The readings provided in these instances are the precise coordinates of the associated Bezier path. Precise distances from the curve are measured with an option-click-drag from the curve. Alternatively, the distance from any point to a curve is measured with option-click-drag from the point to the curve where the cursor will snap to the curve providing the desired precise measurement to points on the curve.

When following along a curve or path, the cursor may "snap-to" Bezier vertices of the curve, or editing handles found along the curve. If this snapping is not desired, hold down the Apple Command key which will prevent the undesired point snapping.

The live readout coordinates are shown in the drawing units (mm, inches, etc) and Scale for the active layer of the corresponding drawing.

The coordinate labels of "X" and "Y" correspond to the Across and Down distances respectively. These are measured from the Origin of the drawing as defined by the position of the rulers or on the Scale palette.