EazyDraw Arrow Tool Arrow Tool EazyDraw Raw App For Help

The Arrow Tool is the default tool for EazyDraw. If there is no other specific action selected the mouse cursor reverts to Arrow Tool which can be used to select, move, or modify the shape of a graphic or group of graphics.

A mouse click may select or deselect a graphic. Selected graphics are shown with their Control Handles, the small colored boxes. Deselected graphics have no handles. A selected graphic’s shape may be modified with a click and drag on one of these handles.

The Arrow Tool performs a selection, deselection or a combination of the two with mouse clicks or clicks and drags. The behavior is modified using the Option Key or the Shift Key. A selected graphic (with handles shown) may be modified with a click and drag of an individual handle.

A mouse click inside a graphic’s enclosing rectangle will select the graphic, and deselect all other selected graphics. A click outside all graphics will deselect all graphics. You may click and drag a rectangle to select a region of graphics, the initial corner must be clear of all graphics.

Use the Shift Key to add a graphic to the current selection. If several graphics are selected use the shift key to deselect one of these graphics with a mouse click.

When there are overlapping graphics mouse clicks will select only the top graphic. Normally further clicks will not pick up an underlying graphics behind the selected graphic. The Option Key overrides this functionality so that underlying graphics may be selected. When the Option Key is held down, subsequent clicks in the same area will deselect the top graphic and select the next underlying graphic.The procedure may be continued to sequence down though the stack of overlapping graphics. If the Option Key is released this functionality stops so that the selected graphic may be moved with the next click and drag. The Shift Key is used to add multiple overlapping graphics to the selection.

Many times when working with a large complex drawing very specific selection and deselection capabilities are required. If the Arrow Tool doesn't provide the necessary functionality there is a Selection Tool Palette that provides six additional selection and deselection tools such as free form "Lasso". The Hand Tool on the main tool palette is available for moving a graphic or set of graphics after they have been selected.

EazyDraw presents a "generous" selection target area. A graphic is selected anywhere inside a virtual rectangle that encloses the graphic. To select a line you don't need to click exactly on the line, just anywhere near the line. This means that sometimes a graphic may be selected when not expected (e.g. a click near the vacant corner of the virtual rectangle). But you can always "click through" with just another click to obtain the desired graphic.

When moving graphics a key habit to learn with EazyDraw is to pause after the mouse down click. This pause gives EazyDraw the chance to indicate the selected graphic. If it is the right one then move it (while the mouse is down) by dragging. If the selected graphic is not the right one, repeat mouse clicks until the right one is chosen. Use the Option Key to freeze the selection and start a move operation with the next mouse click.

The Edit Menu (found on the Main Menu) provides functions to "Select All" or "Deselect All" of the graphics. These is used to initiate or complete a selection task.

A live numeric read-out of the cursor location is enabled with the Tape Tool found next to the Arrow tool.