Color and Style
The Style Panel provides parameters that determine the primary appearance of a graphic. The panel is shown to the left. Detailed documentation of each parameter is available by clicking on the links below.
This parameter controls the appearance of the internal region of a graphic. If checked that region is drawn with the chosen color. If not checked there is no color and the enclosed region is transparent-objects behind are visible.
Winding Rule
This parameter controls how more complicated shapes are filled. It doesn't affect simple shapes like rectangles or ovals. Paths that cross or contain internal regions are effected by the choice of winding rule.Follow this link to learn more about the use of this parameter.
Outline (or Stroke)
This parameter controls the appearance of the border of a graphic.If checked that region is drawn with the chosen color. If not checked there is no border, only the "Fill" portion of the graphic is drawn.
Line Width
This parameter controls the thickness of the border of a graphic or line width. The value shown is the width or thickness of the outline or "Stroke" of the graphic.
This parameter controls the appearance or "miter" of the vertices of a graphic.
This parameter controls the appearance of the free line ends of a graphic.
Stroke Position
This parameter controls the painting order for the stroke verses the fill of the graphic.
Miter Limit
This parameter limits spikes that can appear at sharp angle Bezier path joints when using the Miter join method.