Format Menu
A Inspector for viewing and managing layers of a drawing.
Easy Look
An inspector for examining layers, groups and graphics organized by painting order.
Parameter panel for viewing and changing the document scale, units, and origin.
Fine Scale
Parameter panel for control of palette units and display precision, such as dash lengths on the dash palette.
Parameter panel for managing parameters relating to a drawing tablet.
Grids and Guides
Submenu with access to the Grid definition panel and several short cuts to Grid actions.
Align and Size
Submenu for alignment of groups of graphics.
Submenu for orienting (parallel, perpendicular, angles) graphics relative to a reference graphic.
Submenu for manipulating image graphics, both bitmap and vector.
Grouping Submenu
Menu commands for creating and managing different forms of groupings of graphics.
Parameter palette for working with Blend groups.
Submenu for managing Outline mode for drawing or individual layers.
Group Edit
Menu items that determine the degrees of freedom when editing groups.
Menu items that determine the degrees of freedom when editing individual graphics.
Control the manner in which graphics are placed in destination drawings. Primarily used with user libraries.
Menu items that "hide" graphics or layers from the Guideline seeking process.
Pin and Lock
Menu commands immobilizing graphics size and position.