EazyDraw Raw App For Help EazyDraw Registered Trademark, Dekorra Optics LLC EazyDraw Raw App For Help

EazyDraw Grid Minor
Related Information
Grid Panel
Major Grid
Grid Snapping
Grid Menu
Align To Grid

Minor Grid EazyDraw for macOS palette controls

The Minor Grid is a an array of perpendicular lines drawn at uniform intervals as a drawing aid. The lines are spaced evenly at a sub-interval to the Major Grid. It may be shown and/or used as snap points for graphics and drawing actions. The grid is usually drawn in a faint color that is visible but doesn't compete with the graphics of the drawing.

The parameters for the Minor Grid are presented on a tab view on the Grid Panel which is accessed from the Grids submenu found on the Format main menu. Selecting the "Minor" tab on the Grid Panel to access these parameters.

The small view shows an example of the appearance of the grid as determined by panel’s selections. The selections apply to the front window of EazyDraw, changes are shown immediately on the target window.

The "Snap" checkbox is used to turn the snap aspect of the Minor Grid ON or OFF. If checked the new object drawn will be forced to the intersections of the grid lines. The snap requirement is also enforced when moving graphics. This snap action will not affect graphics previously drawn or positioned. If you need to perform an immediate "Snap" action on existing graphic(s) use the Snap Graphics to Minor menu action.

The "Show" checkbox is used to turn the Minor Grid ON or OFF. If checked the grid is shown, if not checked the grid is not shown. The grid does not need to be shown to use the Snap feature.

The "Print" checkbox is used to include the grid when printing. If checked the grid is printed, if not checked the grid in not included when printing the drawing.

The numeric parameter "Intervals" determines the spacing for the Minor Grid. It specifies the number of minor grid lines per major grid line. You may change the value by selecting and typing a new value, or use the slider. If Link to Rulers is checked, this is disabled since it the spacing is determined by the minor tick marks of the ruler selection.

The color of the Minor Grid may be changed by clicking the Color Well found to the left of the checkboxes. The current color is shown in the small window. Any color may be selected using the color selection panel. Opacity is used with this color, this may be applicable if the grid is placed above the graphics.

The thickness of the Major Grid lines is set with the Grid Line Width parameter. Set the value in current palette units (points, mm, or inches). The value entered is provided directly to the printer when printing, the actual thickness drawn may depend on pens available or printer resolution. On the screen a minimum line with computed by EazyDraw may override your setting in order to keep the grid visible, this would happen when "zoomed-out". The line width used on your display will depend on display quality and resolution, if the line is thinner than the resolution available, anti-aliasing will make the line appear fainter to give the appearance of thinness.

EazyDraw Help Pages example

There is a stepper control in the upper left corner where the rulers meet. Use this stepper to select the interval for the tick marks. The stepper sequences through the various tick interval options, like quarters, tenths, or fifths. If "Link to Rulers" is selected the minor grids will sequence with the stepper and the ruler ticks.

The Print checkbox does not control inclusion of the grid when exporting the drawing. If a PDF is generated via the Print panel then the choice of Save As PDF, then the setting on this panel defines inclusion of the Grid. Each of the Export formats has an independent control for including the Background color and Grid, that setting is found on the Background popup menu selection on the upper right of the export control panel.