This submenu is accesed from the Tools main menu. It provides different ways to create a new graphic by combining 2 or more existing graphics.
Abstract Fill
Primary switch for CLI, and not GUI, instantiation. If -C is not present then the command line is ignored and the graphical user interface is launched. Must be present, Cannot be combined with other options, for example -Cv on the command line will launch to GUI interface.
Combine Logical
Combine shapes with geometric logic (Union, Difference and Intersection) operations.
Chamfer and Fillet
Join graphics with radius fillet or straight chamfer.
Extend and Trim
Extend or trim a path or curve end - to next intersecting graphic. Double Click (for a line), Cmd or Option double click for paths and curves.
Recent Fillet and Chamfer Submenu
The submenu below Chamfer and Fillet is a dynamic "recents" menu. It is populated with the most recent chamfer or fillet commands performed. This is convenient as the single menu command bypasses the step of a modal dialoge for entering the desired radius. Howver this elemenental degree of convenience is not the primary use for the menu.
When a project involves frequently adding fillets, a shortcut key for a menu command is very useful. The problem is that the radius needed will likely vary project to project and certainly from user to user. This means it is not practicle to define a "factory" menu of standard radii. This in turn requires the menu selections to be somewhat dynamic.
The Freeze Menu command found on this submenu is used to lock in a useful group of recent chamfer or fillet actions. Once the menu is frozen one may safely assign a short cut key to one or more frequently used chamfer or fillet actions. Use the
Menu Keys
command found on the main EazyDraw menu to assign a short cut key combination, once this submenu is appropriately populated.