EazyDraw Path Tool Drawing Paths EazyDraw Raw App For Help

EazyDraw uses the term "Path" to define a set of straight line segments joined at a sequence of vertices.

You use the "Path Tool" (shown above) which is found on the Tools Palette to create paths. If the palette is not visible open it by selecting "Tools" from the "View" item of the "Main Menu". The new path will be drawn on EazyDraw’s front window. The desired window must be brought to the front before clicking on the tool.

Paths are drawn by clicking the "Path Tool Button" on the "Tools Palette". The "Tab Creation Cursor" (shown above) will reflect the tool selection when the mouse is over the front (top) document window. The path is drawn with the mouse. There are two ways to accomplish the drawing. You may use the "Tab Key" ("Enter Key" for left handed users) to advance to subsequent segments. The second process accepts a sequence of mouse clicks ending in a double click to define the path. Either method will work, no settings are required, EazyDraw recognizes your preference by your drawing actions.

The tab entry method defines the starting point of the path with the initial mouse down. Each subsequent vertex is defined by the mouse position when the tab key is pressed. The path is drawn by the process of drag - tab - drag - tab. The final end point of the path is defined when the process is completed by releasing the mouse. The "t" visual clue in the creation cursor is used because the "Tab Key" is used to add vertices to the path. The tab method avoids having a process "stuck" to the mouse.

The second method starts the same way with a mouse down and subsequent drag operation to define the first path segment. Then subsequent vertices are defined by mouse clicks. Each click will cause a subsequent line segment to be added to the path. The process is completed by moving the mouse off the window or a double click. The double click adds a final segment and ends the operation. If you find you don't want that last segment just flick the mouse off the page and the path is finalized without the extra segment.

Left handed users will find it easier to use the "Enter Key" instead of the "Tab Key". The first key (Tab or Enter) clicked is used for the rest of the path entry process (just the one).

The new path becomes the only selected object after creation. You may move a vertex or the entire path by clicking near the path or on one of the handles. If you need to position a vertex at a particular position this may be accomplished after the creation step by using the Graphic Details Inspector to modify the specific coordinates of any vertex.

If several paths are needed, double click the path tool. The path tool selection will remain in effect after creation so that further paths may be easily added to the document. Clicking another tool or the Arrow tool will release the path creation activity.

After creation, vertices may be added using the Bezier Insert Tool or removed using the Knife Tool . While drawing the end segment may be removed with the Delete Key.

If paths are needed frequently, the path tool may be added to the Toolbar. If you prefer this convenience use the Customize Toolbar item found under "View" on the "Main Menu". There you will see the "Path Tool" button, just drag it to the position you prefer on the Toolbar.