EazyDraw Insert Button Insert Tool EazyDraw Raw App For Help

The Insert Tool is used to add vertices to graphics. It may be applied to any graphic except a Text Area. The graphic does not need to be selected, the Insert Tool will act on any graphic in the top window of EazyDraw.

Visual feedback is provided so that you may be certain how the action will effect your drawing. Undo works, in case the resulting effect turns out different than desired. You may use the Knife Tool to remove the added vertex at a later time.

The Insert Tool is found on the main Tools toolbar. This is opened from the View main menu, top item.

The "Insert Tool" is used to add a vertex to a segment of a graphic. You start the operation with a mouse down click. Then a drag operation will produce a line attached to the mouse cursor. The segment and insertion point are specified by dragging the line over the target segment. An open green circle will indicate the position of the new vertex. Nothing happens until the mouse is released. At that time the graphic is modified and the vertex added.

The tool will add multiple vertices to multiple graphics at a single invocation. This allows placement of a series of vertices on a precise straight line. it also allows placement of a vertex precisely at the intersection of two graphics. An visual "cross" indicator shows on the drawing when an intersection is detected and activated.

The Option and Command keys is used to suppress finding vertices or intersections. The keys may be depressed or released while adjusting the knife line, changes apply interactively, a small motion is needed to initiate a change in the key state. Depress the Option key to suppress finding vertices. Depress the Command key to suppress finding intersections. Both keys may be pressed together, in this case the user has full control of the precise cut point.

Note that most times after the insertion there is no visual change to the drawing. For example a line with an added vertex will appear as the same line. The difference is only noticeable when you select the line and see the new vertex’s handle at the insertion point.

Inserting a vertex on some graphics will change the actual graphic. For example inserting a vertex on a circle will not only add the vertex, this action will transform the Circle to a Bezier Curve. You may view these side effects by using the Graphic Details Inspector .

The definition of "close" for snapping to a vertex or an intersection is dynamic with respect to the degree of zoom for the drawing window. The distance is approximately the size of the control handles. If a cut needs to be made close to a vertex or intersection, zoom in, this will make the effective snap distance smaller and the cut point may be positioned more precisely - due to the higher zoom - and will not snap.