EazyDraw Line Tool Drawing Lines EazyDraw Raw App For Help

You use the "Line Tool" (shown above) which is found on the Tools Palette to create lines. If the palette is not visible open it by selecting "Tools" from the "View" item of the "Main Menu". The new line will be drawn on EazyDraw’s front window. The desired window must be brought to the front before clicking on the tool.

The line will be drawn with the current Style, Dash, Arrows, and Shade (Gradient Fill) selections. These may be determined by experiment -- just draw it --; or the conditions may be inspected and changed by viewing the appropriate panel with all existing graphics deselected. These selections may of course be changed individually after creation.

Lines are drawn by clicking the "Line Tool Button" on the "Tools Palette". The "Tab Creation Cursor" (shown above) will reflect the tool selection when the mouse is over the front (top) document window. The line is drawn with the mouse by a single click and drag sequence. The new line is shown as you drag the mouse. The start point of the line is placed at the point of the mouse down click. The end of the line moves with the mouse drag action. The final end point of the line is positioned when the process is completed by releasing the mouse.

Hold down the shift key while drawing to constrain the line to " even " angles;. This is useful when a horizontal or vertical line is needed. The technique applies for lines at even increments of 15 degrees, for example a 45 degree line.

The new line becomes the only selected object after creation. You may move or resize the line by clicking near the line or on one of the handles. If you need to place the line at a particular position or with a certain orientation this may be accomplished after the creation step by using the Graphic Details Inspector to modify the specific coordinates of the line.

If several lines are needed, double click the line tool. The line tool selection will remain in effect after creation so that further lines may be easily added to the document. Clicking another tool or the Arrow tool will release the line creation activity.

If lines are needed frequently, the line tool may be added to the Toolbar. If you prefer this convenience use the Customize Toolbar item found under "View" on the "Main Menu". There you will see the "Line Tool" button, just drag it to the position you prefer on the Toolbar.

Lines may have their center, length, or angle Pinned against changes. First the line is drawn, then the pinned property is applied. For example a line with the length "pinned" could only be changed in a pivot-rotation manner. Pinning is found near the bottom of the Format main menu.