EazyDraw Raw App For Help Artistic Brush EazyDraw Raw App For Help

EazyDraw Brushes Artistic Palette
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EazyDraw for macOS palette controls Artistic Brush

The Artistic Brush stretches and conforms the Brush Stroke Path to the master Bezier path. The Artistic brush is selected with the Method popup menu found at the top of the palette.

Exact configuration of the Brush palette shown here to the left will vary with choice of Brush Method (the top popup menu). Your Brush Palette may look different if you are inspecting a different kind of Brush.

These elements are found on the Inspect tab of the Brushes palette which is accessed from the Tools main menu, about one third down from the top. These brush design elements (surrounding the brush preview area) appear when working with an Artistic brush.

An Artistic brush stretches the Brush Bezier path the full length of the master path. This is a simple linear stretch with no thinning or thickening of the brush path.

Curve Linear applies when the Brush Stroke path has straight (linear or non-curved) components and the master path is curved. Selecting Curve Linear will bend and curve the linear portions of the brush path. Notice the difference between the Blue and the Green double headed arrow's below. They both use the same Brush Stroke Path, the green one has Curve Linear applied.

EazyDraw brushes support multiple semi-independent Brush Stroke Paths. This is especially useful with Artistic brushes. The individual Brush Stroke Paths may have different opacity values for colors, and individual paths may have different colors. If the Brush Style is set to be derived from the Master path, the color specified for the Master path is applied to all the independent Brush Stroke paths, but each Brush Stroke path uses the individual value for opacity. You can see this in use in the gray Artistic brush in the example at the bottom of the page.

If the master path is straight (linear) the Curve Linear will not make any difference to the final appearance.

Artistic Brushes extend the full length of the Master path. Unlike the Stretch Brush, the positions of individual Bezier vertices are ignored when generating the path.

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