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EazyDraw Zoom In button. |

Zoom In

The Zoom In button doubles the size of graphics shown in the top window of EazyDraw.

This button is found on the Zoom Tool Palette . To use the button for this feature the Zoom Palette must be visible on the desk top. If it is not visible, use the menu item under the "Views" menu of the Main menu to show the palette.

The Zoom In function is performed by clicking the button shown at the top left of this page. The zoom factor is doubled. This doubles the size of graphics viewed in the document window. The numerical value of the zoom factor is shown in the text box in the Zoom Palette.

Zoom in remembers the starting focus for a rapid sequence of zooms. The first mouse hover location is used for subsequent zooms. This means you do not need to "chase" the desired focus of the zoom after each zoom. The mouse needs to remain fixed for this conveneince feature, if you move the mouse it is assumed you need a new focus point and the process is reset.

EazyDraw provides Quick Key keyboard shortcuts. The default quick keys assign for the "Zoom In" and "Zoom Out" to the "i" and "o" keys. Type the letter "i" to zoom in. Type the letter "o" (the letter, not zero)) to zoom out. Caps or small letter, it doesn't matter. This is convenient because it does not involve the mouse, which is usually being used for other drawing actions.

Zoom in is centered on the mouse hover location, if the mouse is over the drawing. If the mouse is off the document the zoom is centered on the center of the document. So if you want to zoom in on a particular feature of your document, move the mouse to that area and hit "i". You need not click the graphic or the drawing.

Zoom in and out remembers the starting focus for a rapid sequence of zooms. The first mouse hover location is used for subsequent zooms. This means you do not need to "chase" the desired focus of the zoom after each zoom. The mouse needs to remain fixed for this conveneince feature, if you move the mouse it is assumed you need a new focus point and the process is reset.

Zoom has no relation to the actual size or presentation of the document when printed. To change the actual size of the document (number of pages) you use Page Layout To change the scale or size of an individual page use Page Setup .

There is a keyboard short cut for this function. Typing "i" on the keyboard will perform almost the same function. Typing the command allows the cursor to be positioned on the document window, then the zoom will be centered on the mouse position rather than the center of the window.