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Zoom Drawing

The Zoom Drawing button zooms to show the entire drawing.

This button is found on the Zoom Tool Palette .

The Zoom Document function is performed by clicking the button shown at the top of the page. The top window will be zoomed in or out fill the window with the complete document.

Zoom has no relation to the size and presentation of the document when printed. To change the actual size of the document (number of pages) you use Page Layout To change the scale or size of an individual page use Page Setup .

Undo and Redo work with this action. This can be useful to quickly back a drawing's zoom out the view the complete drawing. Then use redo to return to a zoom state focused on some detail of the drawing.

If your computer has a trackpad that accepts Gestures you may zoom the drawing with the magnify gesture. Magnify is the pinching (or opposite motion of spreading fingers) gesture;