EazyDraw a registered trademark of Dekorra Optics LLC

EazyDraw User Tools Submenu
Related Information
Edit User Tools
Quick Keys
User Libraries

User Tools

This palette is used to create or modify a custom User Tool palette. In a few words: drag and drop tools onto the tool matrix on the left, perform Save, and you have a custom tool palette - it is actually as simple as that.

This interface makes it very easy to create your own tool palettes. Your custom tool palettes work exactly like EazyDraw’s built in tool palettes.

The User Tools submenu is located on the View main menu, near the top, at the end of the first section of menu commands.

The top portion of this submenu presents all currently available user tool palettes. The menu and the tool palettes have the same behavior as the master EazyDraw tool palettes. If a tool palette is open a check mark is shown on the corresponding menu entry. Tool palette position and open state is preserved when EazyDraw quits and restarts.

The New command opens the User Tool palette design palette. This is the access point for designing a completely new User Tool palette.

Remove, this sub-submenu has the same items as the top menu. This command will remove the selected User Tool palette from the system. Warning: there is no undo support, and EazyDraw executes as instructed. The trade off here is to avoid the annoyance warning dialogs against the ease of recreating a tool palette. Use the Export feature on the User Tool Design palette to save a persistent copy of a critical tool palette arrangement.

Edit, this sub-submenu will be the same as the top menu items, this command opens the Use Tool Design palette for an existing User Tool palette. This interface point provides access for editing, archival and restoration of User Tool palettes.

EazyDraw Help Pages example

User Libraries provide another method for creating a custom tool palette. These two are similar with a few differences. A User Library palette does not support Editing tools such as the Rotate tool or the Knife. The User Tool palettes found on the User Tools submenu do support the Editing tools but they do not support creation of a user designed shape or graphic.

Less experienced users will want to create and manage custom tool palettes with the User Tools submenu. This is the easiest approach and quickest to learn compared to the User Library approach.

User Library custom tool palettes will interface with and support Menu Command key shortcuts. This approach is used to add a tool palette action to the menu system. The User Tool palettes created here (the User Tools submenu) can not be associated with the main menu system. The Quick Keys palette provides shortcuts for the core tool palette tools, including the Editing tools such as Node Arrow, or Hand tool.