EazyDraw drawing file formats. EazyDraw Raw App For Help

macOS general settings, save documents.


The changes you make to a drawing exist only in the computer’s temporary memory until you "Save" the drawing to a file on a hard drive or to a network server.

Three native File Formats are provided by EazyDraw; EazyDraw Graphic Format and EazyDraw Binary Format. The format is selected from a popup menu found on the lower portion of the save panel.

Duplicate: Duplicate saves a copy of a drawing to a different file. This command presents the directory navigation sheet that allows entry of the name and selection of the folder location for the drawing. The original drawing’s document file is not modified, a new file is created with the new name, location, and drawing contents. The new copy then becomes the current drawing (for this window) and further changes to the document apply to the new file. further drawing activity and saves for the canvas will be saved in the NEW file. The change of your working file is reflected in the title show at the top of the drawing window.

Save As: This provides a slightly more convenient method to save a drawing to a new format or to create a "branch" revision based on an existing drawing. Changes to the original may still be inadvertently written to the original. To be certain that the original is not altered use Duplicate or Save As before making any changes.

The Hide Extension check box can be used to omit the trailing extension file identifier code for the saved file. This will apply to the display on this panel and other file browsers on your system. The check box state is saved with the system information of the file.

Success, use this menu to select a sound that is played when the file is saved successfully. Select "none" to disable. Default setting for new drawings is found on the main Preferences panel. Use this Save As panel to change the setting for a specific drawing.

--Duplicate Before, NOT, Save As After--

The primary document / drawing model for macOS is to use "Duplicate" before changes not "Save As" after changes to an existing drawing. Long time computer and Mac users will need to study this significant design change. One can no longer assume a drawing that has not been saved has not be changed.

Changes circa 2010: The old work flow of opening a drawing and making a few trial changes then deciding not to commit the changes does not work on todays computers. The proper work flow model requires an up-front duplicate of an existing drawing in order to make trial changes that do not modify the original.

Classic macOS users will expect a warning when one quits EazyDraw and there are "unsaved changes" to drawings. The macOS default settings do not provide this warning. There is a system wide setting, found on the General panel of System Settings. Note that the new default behavior does not loose any information, at the time of Quit all changes are saved - overwritting existing drawings (without warning) but the previous content of the drawing is still present on the sytem and available via the Revert To menu and browse all versions.