EazyDraw Raw App For Help Numerate Markers, Prefix and Suffix EazyDraw Raw App For Help

EazyDraw Numerate Markers
Related Information
Numerate Panel
Auto Number

The prefix and suffix markers have two distinct uses depending on the Target Content. If the Target content already exists, these text strings are used to determine where to position the numbering integers. If content is to be added to the target graphics the prefix and suffix text becomes part of the added numbering text.

If the prefix or suffix check boxes are used and no text is provided then the actions will be directed to the start of end of the target text content.

The prefix or suffix are treated as simple text strings. They may include numbers or special characters. They are case sensitive.

If the Target parameter specifies one of the "Add" actions, the Prefix and Suffix parameters are added before and after the numbering integer. The check box or the text string (lack of text) can be used to indicate whether or not a prefix or suffix should be added to the text.

If the Target parameter does not specify one of the "Add" actions, the Prefix and Suffix parameters are used as detection marks to locate the position of the numbering (or re-numbering) action. The numbering integer is added immediately after the prefix mark or immediately before a suffix mark.

If both prefix and suffix are checked both text strings are required to trigger a numbering action. In this case all text between the marks is replaced with the sequence integer, even if the intervening text is not numeric.

Target content is processed from start to end, the first occurrence of a prefix or suffix is used as the action marker.

The prefix or suffix criteria can be used in conjunction with normal selecting of target graphics to attain desired numbering patterns. After use these markers can be removed with the Find / Replace palette.

If prefix or suffix (not both) are used for a Re-Numbering action all adjacent numbers (0,1,2,...9) and period(s) (.) and comma(s) (,) are replaced by the numbering integer.