DXF Export The mnemonic DXF stands for Drawing Interchange Format. It is a vector graphics CAD (Computer Aided Design) data file format defined by Autodesk. It is text based, human readable and well suited for the exchange of 2d CAD drawings. DXF is the adopted file extension for this drawing type. The format was introduced in 1982 and has evolved with about 5 major revisions. The EazyDraw export supports the most commonly supported revisions. Scale and units are an important part of a CAD drawing. The drawing units and axis directions in use at the time of export become the units and axis direction for the DXF file. Many of the CAD packages will assume an origin at the lower left of the drawing, with the y axis in the up direction. This is not a common arrangement on a Mac, but an EazyDraw drawing can be easily configured for this convention. Use the Scale palette to make adjustments if necessary. This functionality is accessed from the File main menu, the Export selection. Then the top left (on the lower panel) popup menu is used to select DXF.
The exported file is a text file. It may be viewed and even edited with a text editor. The format consists of line pairs, with the first line of each pair specifying a group code. The files can be large but they compress to a reasonable core size for transmission. |