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Working With Photos and Images
Add Text
Add Graphics
Highlight - Enhance
Crop, Mask, Frame
Shear and Skew
Example of converting a Claris Draw drawing to a native EazyDraw drawing.

Any Graphic Will Accept A Photo:

Any graphic or shape may be used to crop or frame a photo or image. This is a great way to incorporate photos, clip art, or any other image content in your drawings.

Rotate, Scale, Distort:

Resize at constant aspect ratio, or apply one of the advanced interaction levels to your image.

Create A Frame With Two graphics:

An inner graphic (any shape or form) provides a clipping path and creates the transparent window to the contents. The outer graphic (also any shape or form) provides the fill and stroke colors for the familiar frame and matte effect.

Composite Effects Work Great With Photos:

The photo above uses a "Spot Gradient" fill over the photo, with a "Plus-Darker" composite logic to add a highlighting special effect to enhance and accentuate the photo.

Prep For Email Or The Web:

Prepare your photos for email by Cropping and exporting in the desired format (JPG, PNG, BMP, etc). These steps will help you maintain the best quality with the smallest file size for your email photos.

Drag and Drop
Use the Import menu or just drop a photo (JPEG, TIFF, etc) on any EazyDraw drawing window. Capture images from the web, your camera, or scanner. Drag and drop right from iPhoto.
Place a photo or image on a drawing layer and trace over the photo on an over-lay drawing layer. Even work to a defined scale to convert real-world object to scaled drawings.
Convert Format
File size and image quality may be optimized by importing a full original then using Crop to reduce image area. Export as one of the compressed formats such as JPEG or GIFF.

for macOS Sequoia through Big Sur, see support page for other solutions.

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EazyDraw, a Dekorra Optics LLC enterprise
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