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Video Tutorials
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The Fun Way to Learn EazyDraw

EazyDraw's library of over 40 video tutorials is without a doubt the easiest way to quickly gain a good understanding of Vector graphic drawing techniques. The screen cast demonstrations with expert instruction are perfect for the beginner to study in detail, or for the expert to skim though and quickly see how things are done in EazyDraw.

Brings Documentation To Life

The video tutorials are an excellent compliment to the detailed documentation provided with the 350 page PDF manual and extensive Help pages. See important drawing techniques in action as the demonstrator works with actual drawings while explaining concepts important to vector drawing and EazyDraw's user interface.

High Def:

The sample shown above is a small format for web delivery. The videos provided via download or USB Flash Drive are recorded and delivered at full screen size (1280 x 720 or 1920 x 1080) High Definition quality. This allows the student to follow closely the detailed activities of the screen cast.

Additions Pack
The Additions Pack includes the full collection of Video tutorials. The full Additions Pack is provided as 3 downloads. After download the video tutorials are available for unlimited viewing without internet access. The videos may be viewed with the OS X Quicktime viewer.
USB Flash Drive and Box Version
The physical versions include a USB Flash Drive with all the videos. This provides convient quick access to all the videos. This is important for users with slow or limited internet access.
Featured Sample
Featured Video:
Vector Hatches

This months featured sample video demonstrates the use and design of Vector Hatches. We provide this as a sample so you may view the full HD quality on your Mac.

Featured Video:
Vector Hatch

EazyDraw Video Tutorials Study Guide

Drawing Basics

6 minutes 47 seconds

This is a basic getting started tutorial. Important if you are new to vector drawing. Worthwhile for all as it will give a good overview of how drawing is done with EazyDraw.

Using Help

14 minutes 32 seconds

This video shows how to use the EazyDraw Help system. Good information for the Mac Help viewer that is used by most Apps on the Mac. Recommended for all but the most experienced Mac users. Quite a few useful tips for EazyDraw and other good Mac Apps.

Printer Setup

9 minutes 56 seconds

This is a "non-fun" but very important video. Strongly recommended for all, even experienced users. Printer setup is really the starting point for all drawing projects. A quick study here is insurance from printing problems at the completion of the project.


6 minutes 18 seconds

Since Zoom is one of the most frequently used capabilities of computer / vector drawing this tutorial is quite important. Recommended for all users regardless of previous experience. A key video for efficient use of EazyDraw.

Coloring Basics

2 minutes 26 seconds

Very basic demo of Fill color. Experienced users will skip. Intermediate users will go to Color_Wells video.

Draw Bear

3 minutes 37 seconds

Just a demo, no tutorial. Quite basic but shows several techniques that would be of interest to those new to vector drawing.

Text on a curve

1 minutes 53 seconds

Short demo and tutorial for using Annotation. Topic specific, view if needed..

Color Wells

7 minutes 53 seconds

Important for users experiencing frustration setting or selecting colors. This tutorial is of general interest as it provides in-depth information for the general use of color wells and the system color picker on OS X. The information provided applies to all modern OS X Apps that use colors. Suggested for all users. The simplified color palettes available from the Toolbar are covered by the Toolbar_Color_Menus tutorial.

Nudge and Move

20 minutes 10 seconds

Starts with a important tip for users having trouble moving graphics. Suggested for those with limited experience. But important for anyone that will be a frequent user of EazyDraw. Not critical for the occasional user.

Palette Units (mm, inches, points)

5 minutes 7 seconds

Important for those that like to fully understand how the program operates. Occasional users might skip this until specific questions involving drawing units are encountered. The Factory Default settings will work well for most, negating an immediate need for this information.

Graphic Details

13 minutes 22 seconds

Recommended for all users, especially those doing technical drawings. Covers the tools needed to define graphics numerically. Not as important for the artistic user.


13 minutes 52 seconds

Very important for those that like to customize their user settings and workflow. This video should be viewed before making changes to the EazyDraw Factory settings. Not so important for those that rely on factory setup of their parameters and settings.

Toolbar Customize

9 minutes 17 seconds

Recommended for all users, even the most inexperienced or occasional. The video shows how to add or re-arrange the tools in the main toolbar. Advanced users will learn valuable capabilities.

Toolbar Menu Tools

9 minutes 27 seconds

Important for those that use the toolbar tools frequently. And users having trouble with the color picking toolbar buttons. Finishes with a couple of power user tips.

Toolbar Color Menus

11 minutes 13 seconds

Important information for anyone that will be using EazyDraw heavily. Even experienced users will want to study this video in order to get the most out of the main toolbar, several techniques are unique to the EazyDraw user interface.

Parameter Palettes

15 minutes 03 seconds

Relevant for power users. Not critical for basic use of EazyDraw. Important if main use is on a small PowerBook screen. The tips and information in this video help reduce screen clutter. This video has been remastered for Lion.

Keyboard Shortcuts

7 minutes 21 seconds

Interest for all users. This video covers the Menu Keys palette. This user interface is rather straight forward so this tutorial may not be needed for those more experienced on the Mac. if you do not like the Factory choices for the shortcut keys then this tutorial will be quite useful.


10 minutes 22 seconds

Specific tutorial for trimming and using the EazyDraw Knife tool. Even experienced users will need to study this topic as the EazyDraw knife presents a somewhat novel approach to trimming.


10 minutes 30 seconds

Covers several ways to rotate graphics. This video covers the use of the Rotate tool then goes on to show other techniques for rotation. Important for all users including those experienced in vector drawing.

Drawing Order 1

12 minutes 5 seconds

Introduction to Painters Algorithm and drawing order. Very basic, important for those new to Vector drawing. First in a series of 4 video tutorials.

Drawing Order 2

8 minutes 15 seconds

Second of a series of 4. Important for serious users, includes more advanced issues relating to drawing order. Working with drawing order within group graphics. Techniques for transparency, advanced tips for interleaved arrangement.

Layers 1

19 minutes 14 seconds

Third of a series of 4. Introduces the basic use of layers and the Layers drawer. Suggested for intermediate level users or anyone that has a project that will benefit from the use of Layers.

Layers 2

14 minutes 20 seconds

Fourth of a series of 4. Completes an introduction of the use of Layers. Presents advanced capabilities of the Layer's drawer. Demonstrates drag and drop of layers between drawings.

Photos and Images

10 minutes 46 seconds

Tips for working with images and photos. Starts with how to import images, then basic resizing techniques. Then a detailed tutorial on cropping.

Web Color Picker

11 minutes 37 seconds

Instructions for downloading and installing a hex-color code plugin for the system color picker. WebColorPicker is used for the following web graphic tutorials. Includes instruction for specifying HTML color codes.

Web Basics

9 minutes 56 seconds

Introduction to the basic topics involved in creation of graphics for web viewing. Goes into a good bit of detail about backgrounds and transparency. Includes instruction for using the Clear Color tool to remove a background.

Web Export

16 minutes 32 seconds

Detailed instruction on preparation of drawings for precise export of web graphics. Explains how to design with Pixels as virtual units. Detailed explanation of the preparation of bitmap images for web use, including color space and background treatment. Covers a lot of details, but important for all users that will be preparing graphics for the web or iPhone Apps.

Web Color Match

20 minutes 41 seconds

This tutorial outlines the steps needed to match a defined RGB color for a web graphic. Web Color Picker is used to specify a defined RGB hex color code for an exported bitmap image. Then it is demonstrated how the exported image's color will match exactly a color generated by a browser from a HTML color code. It is shown how to generate an image with an exact pixel size. The techniques for exporting with and without an antialiasing border are demonstrated. This is a bit more advanced than most of the tutorials.

Cursors and Readouts

17 minutes 6 seconds

Usage of the Tape Measure tool with a live readout cursor is explored in detail. Graphic Details display precision settings are explained. The Tape Measure tool is used in a demonstration of usage of the live measuring tape to obtain on-screen measurements of scaled distances. The techniques for getting precise snapped tangent and perpendicular construction lines are shown. The tutorial closes with instructions on the use of the various Full Screen cursor modes and a brief explanation of setting the preferences such as style and color for Full Screen cursors and readouts.

Stylize Text 1

14 minutes 22 seconds

First of a series of 3 tutorials related to advanced stylization of text. These are techniques that would apply to Logo design or holiday cards and perhaps artistic text headlines. This tutorial begins with the techniques for choosing a font and simple text color and style design techniques. The demonstrations include: how to place text on a background color, methods for coloring and / or outlining text. Finishes with application of drop shadows to text.

Stylize Text 2

10 minutes 19 seconds

Second of a series of 3 tutorials related to advanced stylization of text. This tutorial concentrates on conversion of text to Bezier paths. Kerning is introduced as a design technique. Finishes with a lesson concerning placement of the text outline behind or to the front of the text fill.

Stylize Text 3

7 minutes 45 seconds

This tutorial complete the stylize text series with lessons concerning advanced text fill techniques for text and text that has been converted to Bezier paths. The 3 fill methods of Solid fill, Gradient fill, and Pattern fill are all explained in detail. The use of transparency for text fill is presented as well.

Text Basics 1

21 minutes 44 seconds

First of a series covering basic text editing. The series begins with an overview of the text tools, text menu, attributes bar for text, and the Graphic Details inspector for text. The text editing mode is introduced and demonstrated. The system Font panel is introduced with a basic demonstration of font selection. Then the tutorial delves into the specific use of the Size tab on the Graphic Details text inspector. This includes different techniques for sizing and stretching text. Expand and Oblique typesetting is demonstrated.

Text Basics 2

20 minutes 54 seconds

Second in a series covering basic text editing. This tutorial focuses on the Font tab of the Text - Graphic Details inspector. The concept of a style run (or range) is explained and demonstrated. The Font panel's interaction with a text box or a selected range of text is investigated. Kerning is explained then demonstrated. The tutorial closes with a discussion and demonstration of the use of Ligatures.

Text Basics 3

16 minutes 26 seconds

Third in a series covering basic text editing. This tutorial focuses on Characters. Demonstration of use of math symbols such as the Greek characters and introduction to Unicode. Discussion of the Graphic Details "Char" tab for Text. Demonstration of methods to discover, locate and incorporate unicode characters present in a Font's character set. Demonstration of use of the Special Characters palette, with an example of use of Currency Symbols.

Text Basics 4

15 minutes 52 seconds

Fourth in a series covering basic text editing. This tutorial covers Link and Flow of text boxes. Examples are relevant to Page Layout projects and large text documents. The 350 page EazyDraw manual is used as an example drawing. Several of the techniques used in the EazyDraw manual project are illuminated and demonstrated. The technique of flowing text around or inside graphics is demonstrated. Paragraph formattings such as justification and centering are explained.

Text Basics 5

20 minutes 47 seconds

Last in a series covering basic text editing. This tutorial covers Paragraph and Tabs. Demonstration of the use of the Paragraph palette to set line spacing, indentation, and other paragraph formatting techniques. Explanation and demonstrating of the Tabs palette, showing how to set tab stops, tab justification and tab leaders. Finishes with a demonstration of spell checking, word counting, spell correction and other activities related to the Spell Check submenu and Spell check palette.

Scaled Drawing

20 minutes 02 seconds

First in a series covering technical drawing. This tutorial covers how to set a drawing scale such as one might use in a house floor plan. This is an important tutorial for anyone that working with scaled drawings. Even those experienced with CAD techniques will want to understand just how easily this is accomplished with EazyDraw. The tutorial starts with how one should establish project dimensions and then plan for the printing environment - before starting the drawing. Then the steps for setting the scale, units and rulers are presented and demonstrated.


18 minutes 09 seconds

A tutorial covering associative dimensioning using the dimension tools found on the technical tool palette. Introduction provides a quick re-cap of drawing scale and units. The demonstrations shows how to connect dimensions to graphic elements. The Dimensions palette is introduced with examples for various value display formats including units and decimal precision for dimension read out.

Grids and Guides

18 minutes 02 seconds

Second in the technical drawing series. This tutorial covers the details of setting up and using the Major and Minor drawing grids. Nuances of working with English and Metric units are covered. Most of the Guides Palette parameters are included in the demonstration. The Major Grid is used to provide a concise review demonstrating difference between Fine Scale and Drawing Scale. The tutorial closes with an introduction to snapping.


21 minutes 48 seconds

Third in the technical drawing series. This tutorial covers snapping to vertices. It includes a quick review of snapping to grids and then explains when to use Vertex Snapping verses Grid Snapping. The demonstrations include use of Pin and Lock with brief explanations of the utility of these capabilities. The core of the tutorial is about 15 minutes, there is a post trailer that is an un-narrated demonstration video of the drawing of a fairly complex Venn diagram, using snap to vertices, pin, and the knife.

Walls Ribbons and Roads

18 minutes 06 seconds

Walls Ribbons and Roads: Fourth in the technical drawing series. This tutorial the use of the wall tools on the technical tool palette. Introduction shows how to draw and construct designs with the wall tools. Careful attention is paid to the end caps and automatic snapping of wall connections. The demonstration covers straight and curved walls. Techniques for cutting a wall and inserting a door is demonstrated. The tutorial concludes with instruction on the Fill techniques including dashed lines, solid fill and gradients.

Vector Hatches

19 minutes 02 seconds

Begins with a review of the 4 methods available for filling a graphic: solid color, gradient, bitmap pattern and vector hatch. The similarities and differences between patterns and hatches is demonstrated. The Hatch palette is covered in detail starting with the basic steps of using a Hatch. The combination of a vector hatch and a solid color or gradient is demonstrated. The tutorial finishes with a discussion of the techniques available for creating a hatch using space lines and dashes. The vector Hatches discussed here are specified manipulated and edited with the standard parameters used in other CAD programs such as AutoCad and Solid Works.

AppleWorks Import

18 minutes 13 seconds

MacDraw, MacDrawII, MacDrawPro, ClarisDraw, and AppleWorks import. This is a special purpose tutorial, it only applies to EazyDraw Retro for users on macOS Lion or older versions 10.4. and newer. This tutorial documents the steps used to import and convert classic drawings to present day drawing formats. AppleWorks is used as the example but everything applies equally to MacDraw, MacDrawII, MacDrawPro, and ClairsDraw. Most of the video deals with good practice steps recommended after the actual import, to bring the drawing fully onto the macOS Lion technology..
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EazyDraw, a Dekorra Optics LLC enterprise
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