Any graphic may have associated Annotation text. This text can remain hidden from the drawing to serve as note, or a URL link. If shown on the drawing it is attached to the graphics Bezier curve. The text can be rotated, typeset on the contour of the curve, anchored to some point on the curve, mirrored, or flipped. Graphics may also have inserted normal text.
Easy to edit
A separate text view is provided for editing the text. Editing is live and interactive. Changes appear on the drawing as they are made, this means you see changes as you type - no need to "right" the text try a change then see how it is typeset. Cut, copy, paste all work as expected. All fonts on your system are available for the contoured text. Spell check works seamlessly with annotations.
Typesetting and Text Layout
macOS’s advanced typesetting and text layout capability is accessible from EazyDraw’s text interface. Kern, baseline, line spacing, oblique, and font selection and more. Use either the Graphic Details drawer, your macOS system Font panel, or third party font manager utilities directly from EazyDraw.
Classic Font Menu Too
EazyDraw provides a full font inspection panel. However, there are cases where the classic computer font menu is preferred. For these reasons EazyDraw provides the long form font menu as a sub-menu that doesn't interfere with the modern macOS style user interface. It is also sometimes helpful to be able to refer to the older style font names with this menu.
Convert Text To Bezier Paths
Convert typeset text to Bezier paths with a simple menu command. All style and font attributes are used to produce an exact faithful representation in the form of fully editable Bezier paths. These are often useful when exporting to EPS or PDF data formats, the converted paths do not require support for particular fonts on other systems interpreting the exported file.
Stretch Text
Text graphics are integrated into you drawing in a bounding box that defines the area used to typeset and layout the text. You can resize the bounding box, or use the small blue stretch controls to interactively stretch or compress the text contents with a simple click and drag action.