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AppleWorks Import
Fully Editable
Vector Import
All Shapes
Text Too
Patterns and Wallpaper
Embedded Bitmaps
Perfect iWork Addition
Example of converting a Claris Draw drawing to a native EazyDraw drawing.

Yosemite Solution:

EazyDraw Retro, version 9.0.2, is provided as a full solution for AppleWorks and the other classic drawing formats. EazyDraw Retro runs fine on Mojave and all older versions of OS X back to 10.4.11 . Use it to open AppleWorks (MacDraw, MacDrawII, MacDrawPro, ClarisDraw) drawings directly on macOS 10.14. Save the drawings to EazyDraw graphic format for use by all other versions of EazyDraw. EazyDraw Support has a download link and more information. EazyDraw Retro runs on OS X 10.4.x and newer, including Mountain Lion.

Import AppleWorks 6 Drawings:

EazyDraw provides a full editable vector import of AppleWorks 6 drawing (*.cwk) files. Complete editable vector graphic import that conserves, colors, patterns, wallpaper gradients - all native content and accents. The only thing you will notice is how much better the drawing looks when produced with EazyDraw and the full capability of the OS X Quartz graphic engine. Check our Dream Workflow web page for more information.

Bring Along Your Accents:

The import supports the AppleWorks Accents: patterns, wallpaper, and gradients. These are all converted to the corresponding EazyDraw components, full quality and editable. If desired, EazyDraw will install these in the correct locations on OS X so that they are available to all your OS X Cocoa applications.

Productivity + EazyDraw -> The Dream Workflow:

EazyDraw is a modern OS X Cocoa applications, so it works as a full fledged team player with the Apple or Microsoft office productivity Apps, Keynote, Pages, Numbers and Microsoft Office, . EazyDraw can even export native Keynote XML graphic files. Check our Dream Workflow web page for more information.

EazyDraw, the AppleWorks icon
Shapes Conserved
All the shapes in your AppleWorks drawing are turned into the EazyDraw equivalent. Rectangles become rectangles, even a rotated elliptic arc will become an EazyDraw rotated elliptic arc. Check out the video tutorial at the bottom of the EazyDraw Support page for demonstration.
No Spread Sheets
AppleWorks drawing files were allowed to contain embedded spread sheets (tables). EazyDraw is a drawing application so it naturally does not import these components.
AppleWorks Tutorial
The EazyDraw Support Page has a video tutorial that takes you quickly through the steps to open your AppleWorks drawings on OS X Lion. EazyDraw Retro provides a solution to recover AppleWorks, PICT, MacDraw, and ClarisDraw drawings (even those saved on OS 9) OS X versions 10.4.3 and newer.

Bitmap Support:

Embedded images such as EPS, PICT, and bitmaps are recognized and imported into your EazyDraw drawing. EazyDraw will also recognize and open AppleWorks painting files, these import as bitmap images with limited editing possible in EazyDraw. The bitmap formats are not available for vector editing. PICT format content may be ungrouped, converted to EazyDraw vector content and edited.

Text Becomes Text:

Your AppleWorks text content is brought into your EazyDraw drawing as normal editable text. The import does not take shortcuts and map content to un-editable low quality bitmaps. Your EazyDraw file will simply become your new master file and you can be certain that it will be fully accessible on Leopard and future generations of OS X..

Drag-And-Drop, Open, or Insert:

All the expected methods for opening and incorporating AppleWorks content are provided by EazyDraw. If the full Open panel is used then the document aspects of the AppleWorks file are translated to their corresponding EazyDraw drawing properties. Open action includes conservation of Printer information, drawing grid, drawing size, and the AppleWorks drawing properties such as author, subject and topic. Drag-and-drop and insert are used to add AppleWorks content to an existing EazyDraw drawing.

Word Processor and Spreadsheets not imported:

The EazyDraw import only supports AppleWorks drawings and paintings. Spread sheets and word processing documents are not imported by EazyDraw. EazyDraw text import concentrates on the basic text formatting such as font, style, and size. More advanced word-processing text formatting may not translate directly into your EazyDraw drawing.

Working With PICT:

PICT is a legacy (read: old and not well supported) graphic file format common on older, early 1990's applications. EazyDraw provides support for PICT - primarily as a recovery avenue and for working with Microsoft Office and PowerPoint. EazyDraw supports Ungroup for PICT and this can be a valuable tool in recovering and converting old graphic content. While it may not always work fully, many users have successfully recovered some quite elaborate drawing content with this tool. Keep in mind that frequently PICT content is actually a bitmap image in a PICT wrapper. Before investing a lot of time attempting to recover a PICT, try to get a zoomed image and verify that it is a vector PICT, if it is a bitmap converting it will be of no avail.

Passwords Needed:

If the AppleWorks file had a password, that password is required to open the drawing in EazyDraw.

This web page designed, created and published entirely with BBEdit and EazyDraw.
EazyDraw, a Dekorra Optics LLC enterprise
Contact: ph +1 608 444 5245 -- mail: N5040 Beach Garden Road, Poynette, WI USA.
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