EazyDraw Raw App For Help Services Menu EazyDraw Raw App For Help

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The Services menu lets you use features of other applications while working in EazyDraw.

The content of the menu will depend on applications that are installed on your system. EazyDraw queries the system for available relevant services and places them in the menu. Two examples of the service menu (one for Text - below, and a graphic context shown to the left) are shown here, the menu will typically appear differently on your system.

You may access the Services menu with a right click of the mouse (Control-click on trackpad). The Services menu selections are then found at the bottom of the on-screen contextual drawing.

The Services menu is found on the EazyDraw main menu. It is a dynamic menu, the contents will depend on the graphic(s) selected on your drawing. It will be much different when text is selected.

The Services menu is provides a bridge to the capabilities of other applications that may be installed on your system.

EazyDraw provides support for the LaTeX utility application LaTeXiT. Enter LaTeX code in an EazyDraw Text Box, call LaTexIt from the Services menu, the LaTeX code is converted to a fully typeset (an equation perhaps) pdf vector image.


Use the Services Preferences selection to configure the Services menu to show only the services desired.

You can create your own services using Automator.

macOS Services menu EazyDraw and LaTeXiT equation exchange

The Services menu is contextual - it will change (significantly) depending on the current selection on the main drawing window. For example, if Text is selected there may be many text based services available, but if a JPG image is selected the text actions will not apply and different activities appropriate for photos are presented.

An Example: Select a some text and enter editing mode, select a single word - now the Services menu will show text related activities one being "Look up in Dictionary", which you may conveniently execute as a single menu command rather than leaving your EazyDraw work to return to the Finder and open the Applications folder ... .

To use LaTeX for mathematic symbols and equation editing, the full compliment of TeX utilities including LaTeXiT and an underlying Tex to PDF utility must be installed on the system. The LaTeXiT installation disk image has accurate detailed instructions. Links are not provided here as they often will change, use an internet search to locate the most current resources.

LaTeXiT markup source text is saved in your EazyDraw drawing file. This insures it will be available for editing at a future date. Drag and Drop, Copy and Paste may be used to move PDF typset equation between EazyDraw and LateXiT. These operations are supported in both directions. Both the typeset PDF image and the originating LaTeX markup language source text are move between EazyDraw and LaTeXiT. If you notice that a PDF image alone, or only source code exchanged this is likely because LaTeXiT needs to be synced by clicking the actual LaTeXiT button.